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Dracul by Dacre Stoker & JD Barker

After reading Dracul, I keep on wondering whether those vampires existences are real or not. Dacre Stoker and JD Barker noted this at the beginning, "For all those who know monsters are real." I read it all including the author's notes and still keeps me wondering. Those names are from the real person. Bram had his illness when he was small and get back his life as a healthy person after the treatment which was neither mentioned in the notes nor Wikipedia.

I could sum up that, the book is about 2 journeys. One, Bram was investigating for the mysterious life of Ellen Crone and two, the journey of Ellen Crone finding her true love Deaglan O'Cuiv and protecting him from the Dracul. The peak point is all about Dracul. Dracul was an actual product of Scholomance known as a school in the mountains where Devil teaches the mysteries of nature. Only 10 pupils at a time and retains one as payment. The one retained as payment was Dracul. 

The storyline is very clear and it was well supported by all great characters. All characters played important roles which I found very interesting. In this book, Bram himself and Matilda were the leading characters whereas Stoker's family came into the picture as a supporting role. I like to read it as part of Bram's torturing memories each time when he was gathering together with Stoker's family. Other than that, important supporting roles were like Arminius Vambéry (the guy Stoker met before he wrote Dracula and in real life, he is a Hungarian Turkologist and traveller), Ellen Crone the nanny and his brother Thornley Stoker. Emily left me with a thousand question marks. 

It's a fictional character, but the way Bram put Ellen in as if she was the real person who gave him his life. The last part where he mentioned this "Dracul had said he would return for me upon my death, and I believed him. Yesterday I made arrangements to be cremated immediately upon passing, a final checkmate in this game of ours." In real life, Bram was cremated. I believe, Bram wanted to end the game with Dracul so that Dracul will not be able to find Bram again.

I could say that this is the longest duration of reading a book I spent in reading so far. The book is amazing and Bram is an interesting person. This is truly my all-time favourite amazing book. There's a sequel for this book which I am going to read it. It's not creepy at all, but once it came into my dream. I dream of Alexander Grayson as the Dracula. The stunning, handsome monster.


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