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Maybe in Another Life by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Maybe in Another Life by Taylor Jenkins Reid.

We all know that our path has been written before we were even born. Our task is to walk according to the right way with guidance from The All-Mighty. As a human, of course, we will be given choices on where our path is heading to. Whether we are taking it the long way or short way, only time will tell. That's the gist of the book. 

I found that the book was very engaging from the beginning to the end. I feel that the book was close to my heart when I read it. The narrative and characters were all well played. I love that the book was written in two separate paths where it made me think deeper about most consequences in life from every action taken. Although the author let us fly with our imagination with choices of living, she ended the story by guiding us to a happy ending.

It's profoundly written and win my heart.  I love this book so much. 


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